According to the FBI, the coronavirus isn’t the only danger people need to be watching out for these days as cybercriminals are focusing their attacks on the top 3 states with highest infection rates – California, New York and Washington.

In recent statements online, both the FBI Director and the US Attorney have warned Americans to be on their guard for a significant spike in coronavirus scams. In particular, they warn that cyber-attacks are most likely to target people working from home. The lack of sophisticated IT support and protection that people took for granted in the office leaves employees working from home open to attack and unprepared for what to watch for and what to do if they suspect something might be wrong.

Cybercrime experts warn that people from home need to be extra vigilant in watching for phishing scams and extra cautious when responding to emails that seem to be work-related. Here are a few examples of scams and phishing routines that are already making the rounds targeting people who work from home:

  • Texts that ask you to click on a link to “sign in” to your office network
  • Someone asking for important data saying it’s an “emergency” with no time for explanation
  • Updates and “breaking news” about coronavirus that asks you to click on links or images
  • Offers of free office equipment or phones from the government to defray work at home costs
  • Emails that disguise themselves as coming from legitimate, high-profile organizations in the news such as the World Health Organization and Center for Disease Control.

For more information about how to protect your home, your work, and your family from cybercriminals and data hacking, be sure to check out this article “Safer Internet Day Tips for Online Safety” where we share information and take-action tips for subjects including wireless network hacking, phishing scams, online safety for children, financial account safety, social media safety, and more.