Your Wi-Fi router is the invisible glue that holds your smart home together. Wi-Fi routers have come a long way in the past few years or so, but not many people really know what a Wi-Fi router is or why the router you choose matters. We thought we’d put together a quick overview, as choosing the best Wi-Fi router has become all the more important for keeping us online and connected throughout the ongoing pandemic.

What exactly does a Wi-Fi router do?

Your modem is what connects you to the internet to send and receive data, a Wi-Fi router allows you to connect your devices to the modem wirelessly. You can think of the Wi-Fi router like an antenna for the modem. Can you imagine if you had to connect each individual smart device, from your printer to your refrigerator, directly to the modem with a wire? Wi-Fi allows you to create a wireless home network that connects all your devices seamlessly.

How much should a good router cost?

Depending on factors like how many people are in your home connecting to the internet and how many smart devices need to be connected, most small to medium sized homes can make do with a router in the $100 range. If you have a larger home or business, you may need a router system that can offer consistent speeds in every room. Another consideration is how you’re using your Wi-Fi connection. If you work from home or have gamers using a lot of bandwidth, you may want to invest in a more specialized solution.

How do I set up a Wi-Fi router?

When Softcom technicians set up a new account, as part of the installation they will configure the router you have chosen to connect to the internet. We do not provide a router as part of the initial set-up, you have the choice to either rent a router from us (the Softcom Smart Router), or purchase one of your own.

Softcom Smart Routers are available for all Softcom customers and have been developed with the goal of making our customers’ experience better, faster, stronger, and with an increased ability to control key issues for both home and business users. To learn more about our routers, how they work, rental costs, and more, just click here: “Softcom Smart Routers.”
If you’d like to research purchasing your own router, here are some basic guidelines:

  • Consider the square footage of your home (including whether it’s single or two story). Check the range of the router, or ask a sales rep at the store/online, before you purchase to ensure it can reach the areas where you need internet access.
  • Know your speed plan. Make sure that the router you select has the capacity to handle the service plan you select. For instance, if you choose Softcom’s 25 Mbps Supreme plan, a single bandwidth / basic router will not be able to handle the signal.
  • The more bandwidth the better. Our Smart Routers are dual bandwidth and are suitable for almost all of our plans, but if you have multiple devices/users, more bandwidth will work to your advantage.
  • When in doubt, talk to our customer support team. Our technicians will help you narrow down the right router for your home or business and streamline the buying process. Whether the router tests bad, is faulty or you’re a new customer looking to buy one, our tech support team is here and willing to help out.
  • One common FAQ: The Linksys E-Series router is NOT compatible with our service, so cross that one off your list.

One thing you can depend on is that we will do everything we can to help you choose the right router and make sure your internet access and service plan is working properly for your unique needs. If you require assistance with connecting devices to your wireless signal, our techs will be happy to help. And if you have a business, farm, vineyard, large property or anything else that requires custom installation, give us a call or check here for more information: Custom Wifi Setups for Your Unique Business Needs.