We easily take Wi-Fi access for granted these days. Until we’re no longer connected, that is. Part of being a good host when you have guests is making sure your guests can connect to your Wi-Fi and their digital lives remain uninterrupted. Or perhaps you got a sweet new smart device and need to connect it to your home network.

Either way, we’ve all rolled our eyes the moment that we realize we have no idea what our Wi-Fi password is or where to find it. Maybe your gut sank. Might have even shed a tear, anticipating the upcoming frustration. Been there. But there’s a better way, and we’ll show you how.

First off, if your home internet router gives you the option to create a guest network, we recommend doing so. This will help keep your Wi-Fi network secure.

Sharing your Wi-Fi password on Apple devices

Not many people know this, but sharing your Wi-Fi password between two Apple devices is actually very simple. Just make sure your guest is in your Contacts, and you are listed in theirs. To share the password, have both you and your guest turn the Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on both devices.

Connect your device to the Wi-Fi network you want to share (your guest network if you set one up, or your home network). Have your guest select the same network and you’ll automatically get a message on your device popping up and asking if you want to share your Wi-Fi password with them. Select “Share Password” and you’re good to go! Easy, right? Note- make sure the Personal Hotspot option on your device is not on for this method to work correctly.

Sharing your Wi-Fi password on Android devices

Android devices make sharing your Wi-Fi password pretty easy as well. You can generate a QR code to share the details of the Wi-Fi network you want to share (again, make sure you’re sharing your guest network if you have one set up).

First of all, connect your device to the Wi-Fi network you want to share. Go to Settings, then Network, and choose Internet (or Connections, depending on your device), and then Wi-Fi. Tap on the cog next to your Wi-Fi network, and then tap on the Share icon on the right. You should now see a QR code on your screen.

Tell your guest to scan the QR code onto their device, which will automatically connect them to the Wi-Fi network you shared. Voila!

Now that you’re ready to help your guests connect to your Wi-Fi, or got your new devices connected and running, check out our guides on how to make your Wi-Fi faster and how to secure it.